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Introduction and Context

Scope of this chapter

This chapter provides the context for Westmorland & Furness Children's Services tri.x Policies and Procedures.

The purpose of our tri.x suite of policies and procedures is to ensure transparent, accessible, and accurate information for our staff which enables us to deliver high quality services and maintain compliance with national regulation and standards.

Our overarching Council priority for children as expressed in Westmorland & Furness Council Plan 2023-2027 is:

"To safeguard children and support families and schools so that all children in Westmorland & Furness can grow up in a safe environment, and can fulfil their potential".

See Cumbria Children and Young People's Plan.

Children and Families

We will:

  • Embed the Permanence Policy into practice;
  • Continue to implement the Children Looked After (CLA) Strategy;
  • Continue the development of our responses to the identified Emotional Wellbeing and Health needs of our Children looked After and Care Leavers;
  • Deliver required improvements to the timeliness of Health Assessments for CLA;
  • Recruit and retain a stable and secure workforce who are increasingly competent and confident;
  • Continue to develop the role of the Early Help (EH) System and ensure the overall EH offer in areas is joined up, comprehensive and linked to the Thresholds including evidence of impact. To include the implementation of Signs of Success;
  • Deliver the action plan to improve CSE multi-agency response and in turn – outcomes for children;
  • Return Home Interviews are held within 72 hours and the resultant plans are used to improve outcomes for children. This is managed through our contracts with our providers;
  • Utilise the learning from the service mapping exercise (Domestic Abuse) to inform & influence future commissioning;
  • Contribute to improvement of consistency of practice and evidence of impact, learning from performance management and quality assurance activity demonstrating improved practice.

Learning & Inclusion

We will:

  • Meet the needs of Children & Young People with SEND;
  • Improve transition to adulthood for CYP with SEND;
  • Prepare for Inspection;
  • Work in partnership to safeguard children and promote their welfare;
  • In partnership through the Children's Trust Board, deliver the CYPPP;
  • Support the work of Westmorland & Furness Alliance of System Leaders (CASL);
  • Deliver actions in the Council's Children's Improvement Plan.

Last Updated: February 28, 2023
