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Social Worker Visits to Children in our Care

Scope of this chapter

Note that different provisions apply to children who acquire Looked After status as a result of a remand to local authority accommodation or Youth Detention Accommodation. In relation to those children, please see Remands to Local Authority Accommodation or to Youth Detention Accommodation Procedure, Care Planning for Young People on Remand.

Related guidance


This chapter was updated in August 2024.

August 12, 2024

Wherever a cared for child is placed, the child's Social Worker must visit the child in the placement at the following intervals, subject to the exceptions in Section 2, Exceptions:

  • On the day the child is moved to their new home, then weekly until the first Looked After Review;
  • Intervals no longer than six weeks during the first year of any placement;
  • Every six weeks during subsequent years unless formally agreed as a permanent home and once agreed, at intervals of not more than three months;
  • Whenever reasonably asked for by a child or foster carer, regardless of where they are living;
  • Where the child has a series of short breaks, they are seen as a minimum twice a year in that setting (at least once unannounced).

NB These are minimum requirements and the Children Looked After Review may recommend more frequent visits. The frequency of visits should always be determined by the circumstances of the child or young person and visits should be made whenever reasonably requested by the child or foster carer regardless of the status of the living arrangements.

The child's Social Worker should also visit the child immediately after a complaint is received from the child or from another person relating to the child concerning the standard of care they are receiving.

This applies to all new moves where, for example, a child moves from one home to another. For children who are placed for adoption, see Monitoring and Supervision of Adoptive Placements Procedure.

Some visits should be unannounced (The foster carers, parent or residential unit should be informed by the child's Social Worker at the time of the child going to live there that there will be occasional unannounced visits and the reason for this explained).

Meetings involving a child e.g. Children Looked After Reviews, do not in themselves constitute a visit, unless time is taken outside of the meeting to talk with and spend time with the child.

The child's Social Worker should on occasion take the child out from their home (for example for a snack or a visit to a park) as this can strengthen the relationship between the child and the Social Worker and is also in the interests of child protection in that the child may feel more able to discuss issues that are of concern to him/her. 

If the child is placed with parents pending assessment, social work visits must take place at least once a week until the first Children Looked After Review, thereafter at intervals of not more than 6 weeks.

If the child is living with their parents under an Interim Care Order, visits must take place at least once a week until the first Children Looked After Review, thereafter at intervals of not more than 4 weeks.

If the child is living with parents under a Care Order, within one week of the Care Order, thereafter at intervals of not more than 6 weeks.

If the child is living with a Connected Person with temporary approval, visits must take place at least once a week until the first Children Looked After Review, thereafter at intervals of not more than 4 weeks.

If the child is in the care of the Local Authority but another person is responsible for the child's living arrangements (for example where a child is placed in a Youth Offenders' Institution or a health care setting), within a week of the start/any change of living arrangements, at intervals of not more than 6 weeks for the first year; at intervals of not more than 3 months in any subsequent year.

See also: Leaving Care and Transition Procedure, Personal Advisers in relation to Personal Adviser visits to 'Relevant' or 'Former Relevant' young people.

Wherever possible, the child must be seen in private and alone (unless the child of sufficient age and maturity and refuses or the Social Worker considers it inappropriate to do so). If this is the case then an explanation as to why the child has not been seen alone needs to be clearly recorded in the case note. Also, a further visit must be made at short notice in order that the child can be seen alone and observed with the staff/carer. The child's bedroom must be seen at least every three months. If the bedroom is not seen the reasons why must be recorded and an arrangement made to complete this.

The Social Worker should be aware of who else lives in the home and they should know about changes in house as well as the relationships within the household or unit. Some visits should include all members of the home in order to be able to observe interactions between all members of the family in prepared and unprepared situations.

For children who are not able to verbally communicate their views, the Social Worker should ensure that observations of the child are made in their home and also in other settings, for example, school. Information and opinion should also be gathered from other professionals about their presentation. Available tools e.g. Signs of Safety, or other direct work tools should be used to engage children, including those with communication difficulties, making use of their preferred means of communication e.g. Makaton and Pecs. Use an interpreter if the child's first language is not English and they are not proficient in spoken English.

On some occasions, the Social Worker should also arrange to visit at times when all members of a household can be seen; or for children's homes, a significant number of adults and children.

Social workers must consider the balance of time spent with staff/carers and with children during a statutory visit. The Social Worker must prioritise their time with the child as opposed to the staff/carer. Issues raised by staff/carers can be discussed when a child is not present for example when they are at school.

Social workers should provide feedback to staff/carers regarding their visit. Some visits to the child in their home should be joint visits between the child's Social Worker and the Social Worker, fostering.

The purpose of the visit is to ensure the child’s home continues to promote the child's welfare and in particular:

  1. To ascertain if the actions in the child's Care Plan being met or supported to be met where they live;
  2. To give the child the opportunity to express his or her wishes, feelings and views about where they are living. This could include the use of a scaling tool e.g. how do you like living here on a scale of 1 to 10;
  3. To advise, assist and befriend the child and to ascertain who they would turn to in times of difficulty;
  4. To promote an effective relationship between the child and Social Worker with particular reference to the role of the Social Worker as a link with the child's history and birth family;
  5. To identify daily routines including getting up and going to bed, meal times (including whether the children in the placement all eat together), the arrangements for washing and whether the child is provided with privacy and support that is relevant to his or her stage of development;
  6. To identify arrangements for holiday and leisure time including playing games, access to clubs, cultural and sporting activities;
  7. To identify what special arrangements are made to meet any needs that arise from their culture, religious or heritage including communication, diet and skin/hair care;
  8. To observe the child with the staff/carer/parent and to analyse parenting styles and the promotion of the child's self esteem;
  9. To monitor the standard of care offered by the placement including the physical standards, house rules and behaviour management strategies;
  10. To identify whether there are toys or games to play with and the access that the child has to them;
  11. To monitor how the arrangements for the child spending time with family members and friends are working and to discover whether these are promoted within the home;
  12. To consider the child's sleeping arrangements such as room sharing, display of personal belongings and the physical state of the room. Has the child got clean clothes that are stored appropriately?
  13. To identify any areas where additional support is required;
  14. To evaluate whether the placement is helping to achieve the objectives of the child's Care Plan, with particular reference to whether the placement is meeting the educational, health and social development needs of the child. Where it has been agreed this is where the child should live on a long-term/permanent basis, the Social Worker should observe whether there are signs that the child is an integral part of the family such as whether they are included in photographs on display;
  15. To carry out a programme of life story work;
  16. To identify whether older children are encouraged to play an increasing part in their own care such as laundry, food preparation and the purchase of food, clothes and budgeting;
  17. To identify the arrangements for the child to get support with school work, do homework (including where appropriate, access to a computer) and visit a library. Do the carers attend parent's evenings? Ask about recent exams and ensure it is recorded on ICS;
  18. To identify whether the child knows about the Complaints Procedure and the availability of advocacy services;
  19. To monitor that the Child Health Record is stored safely, is up to date and is accessible to the child as appropriate to the child's age and understanding. If a health assessment has been completed discuss the conclusions of the Strengths and Difficulties questionnaire with the child and carer as appropriate.

Social workers visiting children with disabilities and/or complex health needs should also consider the following:

  • Whether practices that are being employed are appropriate and do not compromise the child's safety e.g. the method of lifting a disabled child;
  • Does the carer have sufficient equipment i.e. bath chair / hoist etc.?
  • Who arranges the child's health appointments and who attends? For children in residential placements in particular, is there consistency of worker?
  • Is there clear written information re the administration of medication?

It may not be possible for a Social Worker to gain all the information listed in one visit but they must try to obtain a holistic view of the placement.

When visiting children in residential settings the Social Worker should read the running sheets to gain an understanding of recent events and also to identify any themes highlighted in the recording for example, behaviour and staff strategies for managing situations.

The Social Worker should check with the child every so often if they want to know more about their birth family background, life experiences and help to make sense of their situation. Research has shown that many would like to know more but they need to be given permission to ask through being prompted.

The Social Worker should record each statutory visit clearly to demonstrate how well the child's care is being met and their wishes and feelings. The notes should be written to the child, using the words of the child, young person and their family, professional jargon and abbreviations should be avoided. It is important that workers also refer to the Recording of visits to children, young people and young adults document.

The above areas under Purpose should be discussed over the course of 3 statutory visits using the Care Plan, the child's needs and using professional judgement as to how each area is addressed.

However, the following must be recorded for every statutory visit:

The following template should be used for:

  • Statutory Child Protection visits;
  • Statutory visits to Cared for;
  • Child in need visits;
  • Targeted Family Help Visits;
  • Home visits.
Template 1
Reason for contact: What is the purpose of your visit? 
I.e., to complete direct work in relation to domestic abuse, neglect, complete safety planning work, assess home conditions, unannounced visit to identify whether the safety plan is being followed.
Detailed notes

Venue - Where did the visit take place?

Present - please comment as to whether the child was seen and if not why? Whether the child was seen alone, and if not why? 

What I observed - Observations of interactions/ home conditions

Your Plan - Address specific issues raised in plans and reviews with parents and carers e.g., home conditions, drugs and alcohol, domestic abuse, neglect and assess progress of any ongoing interventions.

You said - (direct work with the child, their words recorded in Bold and italics)

  • How you’re feeling in yourself? (physical health/ emotional health) 
  • How’s school been?
  • How's the time you've spent with friends/family?
  • Since my last visit what’s new?
Part 2- Write up section.
(Analysis of information)

What’s working well today and why?

What are we worried about today and why?

Action What needs to happen?
Actions identified from the home visit, include any safety planning/contingency planning in place for the family.

The following template should be used for:

  • Care Experienced.
Template 2
Reason for contact: What is the purpose of your visit/ 
keeping in touch?
Detailed notes

How did you keep in touch? (Meeting, visit, video call, letter, email, phone, contact with carer)

Who I have seen/spoken with?

What I observed - Observations of interactions/ home conditions

Your Plan – discuss and review progress of plan in relation to key issues e.g. housing, education, employment, health, drugs and alcohol, domestic abuse, 

You said – (the voice of the young adult should be recorded in Bold and italics)

  • How you’re feeling in yourself? (Physical health/ emotional wellbeing) 
  • Your current housing/accommodation?
  • How’s college/work been? 
  • Your support networks and who is important to you?
  • Your aspirations and ambitions? (If NEET what are the plans around this?)
  • Your money and financial situation?
  • Since my last visit what’s new?
Part 2- Write up section.
(Analysis of information)

What’s working well today and why?

What are we worried about today and why?

Action What needs to happen?
Actions identified from keeping in touch

Actions Following a Statutory Visit

  1. Social workers must fully record the visit on ICS and notify the manager within statutory timescales;
  2. If the visit has been undertaken on behalf of the allocated Social Worker then the allocated Social Worker must be notified of the document on ICS for their attention.

Last Updated: August 12, 2024
